Being a market trader


I’ve been gearing up for this weekend and the Galway Potter’s Market and it’s really got me thinking about this particular question – what a market trader is thinking then when they’re standing there at their stall for hours end. Because, you see, I used to have a perspective on this before I became a market trader and it turns out I had it all wrong.

What I thought before was that anybody selling their stuff at a market was highly intent (possibly desperate) on making sales and that it felt unfair of me as member of the public to express interest in items without ultimately making a purchase.

Now don’t get me wrong, the reason for my being at a market in the first place is to sell. However, the most rewarding thing about being at a market is all the wonderful conversations that I can have and all of the interesting people I get to meet. Fun chats with people stopping by as well as other traders. Maybe somebody doesn’t purchase something but they like your work and they’re curious about how it’s made. What could be nicer? Perhaps they’ll remember you next time they need a gift? That’s perfect too. My point is, it’s already so rewarding to see people engaging with your pottery and having conversations about it. A sale at the end can be wonderful but it’s certainly not the be all and end all. A friendly face, a chat about the weather or setting the world to rights. I love all of this!

I guess we’ve all had experiences where we feel pressure to make a purchase. Let’s face it, it’s not nice. I am in no way ballsy enough to pressure someone, even in a subtle way, into a sale. Besides, I want the buying as well as the owning to be as pleasurable as possible.

Doing markets is wonderful for all sorts of reasons. This is really something I wish I’d known before, as not knowing it probably meant I missed out on loads of interesting interactions with people who sell things they make. Now that I am one of those people, I realise what a passionate bunch we are and that we just love to chat. So next time you’re at a market don’t be put off chatting because you feel like you might be guilted into buying. I know now that my guilt was totally self-imposed. Happy browsing!



New Year, New Ideas Hello from the Gillybean Studio


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